Today is the 256th day of the year. Which can only mean one thing – it is Programmer’s Day, or Day of the Programmer. On this day, we take a moment to say a huge thank you to millions of people who have been pushing the world forward.
Software surrounds us. It is everywhere – computers, mobile phones, home appliances, cars, airplanes, and so on, and so forth. Software tremendously accelerated the technological advances of the last few decades in science, medicine, tourism, real estate, agriculture, maritime, military, and every other area of human activity.
And without programmers, we wouldn’t have any software. So let’s take a moment and appreciate the hard work of all those people who write code to build new features and fix old bugs. Whether they do it as a day job or as a hobby, they’re all helping to make the world a better place. Thank you all!
We wish you better specs, more powerful tools, and sane working hours. Happy Programmer’s Day!